Friday, December 17, 2010


By G. E. Shuman

Snowflakes sparkle in the sun;
Wind-whipped wonders, winter fun.
Bright blue skies, so crystal-clear
Signs that Christmastime is here

Decorations: lights and holly
Words like ‘Santa,’ ‘elves,’ and ‘jolly’
Peace on earth, and Christmas cheer,
Are what people seek, each year.

Traffic bustling, shoppers scurrying
Wishing they could end their hurrying.
And find meaning in their trying
To complete their Christmas buying.

While still missing the true worth
Of the finest gifts on earth.
His great blessings, all around;
Stop and look, they can be found.

Church bells clanging, Christians singing,
Hugs from friends, good-wishes-bringing
Family gatherings, feasts and laughter,
And a fire, to warm us, after.

Evergreens to scent each dwelling,
Sights and sounds, tradition, telling
How each home, in its own way
Honors this new Christmas Day.

Brass chimes tinkling, bells a-ringing
Choirs of children, sweetly singing,
Voices all, to heaven raising,
Grateful, heart-felt Christmas praising.

Worlds are circling countless suns.
Life and love may cling to some.
If they do, they share the glory
Of our own world’s Christmas story.

Their bright sun; a star to earth,
May have once proclaimed a birth.
Shining bright, on manger stall,
And the babe, who made it all.


Rene Yoshi said...

I love the ending! What a neat perspective.

Iris said...

Insightful writing, George... this poem is a winner!