Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Fish Story

By G. E. Shuman

I love fishing. I don’t get to do it very much, but I love to fish when I have a chance. There’s just something exhilarating in the fight, with what feels like a very large fish on your line. There’s something even more exhilarating about pulling that monster in, even if it isn’t exactly a monster, and sharing the story of the catch with your family. (In my family, all I need to share is the story, as I’m the only one in our home who likes fish.) I also love the idea of having a frying pan full of free, protein-packed, yummy food, and the fun of cooking the treat up. For me, the whole experience is just great.
Now, there are fish stories, and then there are FISH stories. What I want to tell you next a true fish story which happened to a friend of mine; more precisely because of a friend of mine. It is a story of how some of his other friends benefitted in several ways, including fish, all because he was aware of their needs.
The occurrence took place years ago, long before I even knew my friend personally. Several people who witnessed the event wrote about it so that people would remember it. I happened to be rereading one such account of the story earlier today, and actually spoke with my friend about it shortly thereafter. Now, I’m not sure how to say this, without seeming to brag, but I do happen to have a few friends in high places. This particular friend of mine was very well known at the time of the fish story, and is even more well known now, than then. Actually, he was, and is, a very famous guy. In fact, his fame was one of the reasons the big fish story happened, as you will soon see. (Trying not to brag again.)
It seems that one sunny day my friend was in another country, trying to relax on the shore of a beautiful lake, when people suddenly recognized him and began to crowd around him. He’s always been a very wise and popular speaker, and the crowd wanted him to talk to them. Well, the crowding got to the point that my friend was in danger of being pushed right into the lake. He turned around and happened to see two fishing boats tied on shore. If you read an account of this event, you will notice a detail: the fishermen weren’t in their boats at the time, but were on shore, cleaning their nets. (In that part of the world it is legal to net-fish in lakes.) Well, to avoid being trampled or soaked, my friend got into one of the boats and asked the owner to push it out a little ways from shore. He then sat in the boat and used this improvised stage to address his fans, waiting on shore.
(Okay. Here comes the fish story I promised you, even though I know I shouldn‘t begin a paragraph with parenthesis.) When my friend had finished talking, and the crowd had begun to disburse, he asked the boat owner to launch the boat out into the deeper water of the lake. My friend, evidently, had also planned to do a little fishing. He then requested that the boat owner, (also a friend of his) put his net into the water to drag for a catch. This surprised the man, and he told my friend that it would be no use; they had been out fishing all night, and had caught nothing. (I’m not sure, but I don’t think my friend was surprised by this news.) In any case, the boat owner agreed to lower his net, just because my friend had asked him to. He, likely, thought he might as well humor my friend, as they were out in the middle of the lake anyway. Besides, what would you have done, if a very famous man had asked you to do something like this? What happened next is just amazing, to an old fish-tale lover like me. Remember, this is a true story.
As soon as the owner of that fishing boat had cast out his net, it became filled with fish. Then it became OVER filled with fish, to the point that the net began to break. The fisherman immediately called to the men on shore to bring out the other boat to help. (I can just imagine my friend sitting there in that boat, smiling at the excitement of the fishermen.) The other men hurried out from shore, and, together, they all filled both of the boats, to the point that they began to sink! I would love to have heard the laughter and shouts of joy, as those guys hurriedly got those boats, full of that much needed catch, to shore.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, this very real and famous friend of mine is named Jesus. He would, and I would, love to have you check this fish story out for yourself. Just grab a Bible and read at least the first seven verses of the book of Luke, chapter five. (I promise, opening that book won’t hurt, even if you haven’t done it in a while.) I can assure you that my friend is very good at fulfilling real needs, even ones involving fish, and often to the point of being more than you can hold. You just have to launch out a bit. I wish you would give Him a try.


Rene Yoshi said...

Hey! Your very famous friend is my friend, too! (^_~)

I love fishing and eating fish, too. Some day, I'll have to tell you about the one that got away.

Thanks, George. Even though I, too, have read the true story, you had me hook, line, and sinker at first. Great post!

pjb5 said...

Awesome job! Im so proud to call you my brother!

G. E. Shuman said...

Thank you so much. I'm proud to call you my sister, too. George

KrisinVT said...

I love that fish story too. Fishing was great fun when I was a kid-- maybe I need to have at it again with my little ones!

Thanks George!!

mooreny said...

Hey, George.
A very catchy tale. Thanks for the reminder that our friend has a way of making bad days into good days.Keep writing the truth. It has a way of setting us free.